10 beste apps om je werk te organiseren.
Met deze apps kan je je werk nog beter organiseren in 2017

Workstation Popcorn - Become Uber Productive
The Big Problem If you work for yourself or from home, you’re probably familiar with “fake work” – work where you’re not really doing...

Breng je digitale skills naar een hoger niveau ...
digitaalatelier.withgoogle.com Verbeter uw digitale kennis. Om uw bedrijf te laten groeien, uw carrière verder te helpen en om u...

How to create a better mobile user experience
Discover how your business can build a mobile site or app with best-in-class UX to be there in your customers' micro-moments....

Phygital stores will sell more than online in 2020 ...
Phygital stores, physical stores enhanced by a user-friendly and time saving digital experience, will sell more than online stores ... A...

Xylos - Explore new digital ways
Attending today "Explore new digital ways" organised by Xylos. https://www.xylos.com/nl/corporate/events/explore-new-digital-ways

Aftellen naar 4 oktober!
Google kondigt een aantal nieuwe producten aan op 4 oktober. De site is alvast klaar. https://madeby.google.com/

Digital First
Our goal at Digital First is to unite the digital market and set new trends by presenting a selective range of key players providing...